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On Saturday 15th of March 2009 we followed up a presentation on the previous Thursday by a visit to look at Geology in the City of London Cemetery. We were looking at the variety of materials that are used to make the tombs and headstones. The walk, led by Wendy Kirk with David Cook, was attended by 16 people on a lovely sunny day.
(Photos :Paul Ferris and Peter Gamble )
Geology in the City of London Cemetery - 15th March 2009
but there are some signs of enthusiasm!
It was hard to get people started after enjoying a coffee before the visit
This is the Vigiland Memorial - made, we were told, of Carrara marble
Wendy Kirk (in red) explains some details of the stone
the fact that the headstone is of pink granite, possibly mined in Peterhead!
Slate used as a corner moulding
This tomb was made of a variety of materials: granite, marble and limestone
 Parviz and Trevor examining details of a worn marble stone
Wendy describes how weather has eroded the marble, leaving the lead lettering standing proud
The group looking at geological features, including fossils, on one of the chapels
Fossils in the limestone walls
Severe weathering of limestone caused by acid in rain
some nice fossilised shells
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