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On 2nd February 2008 members of the Group did a walk of about 6 miles led by Andrea from Bayford in Hertfordshire.

Epping Forest Outdoor Group   Bayford, Hertfordshire - 2nd February 2008

Epping Forest Outdoor Group    Parking the cars at the Baker Arms, Bayford
Epping Forest Outdoor Group  Bayford Woods, going towards Little Berkhamsted
Epping Forest Outdoor Group   Little Berkhamsted area, returning to Bayford
Epping Forest Outdoor Group Kennel Hall Farm, on private road to gravel works
Epping Forest Outdoor Group Lunch break for some on side of quarry heap among the dead teasels
Epping Forest Outdoor Group   St. Mary's Church, Bayford
Epping Forest Outdoor Group    Fees list at St. Mary's Church
Epping Forest Outdoor Group   Inside the church


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