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Nine EFOG members defied superstition to fly on Friday 13th January 2006 for a long weekend in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Vienna (Austria). It was definitely unlucky for one of our members who realized that morning that his passport had run out, and he couldn’t travel with us!
(photos by Peter Gamble and text by Maz)
Bratislava - January 2006
We had no problems until we reached Bratislava Airport. Tickets for the bus were from a machine which only took change - and we only had notes! Where could we find change for nine people at a small airport which would not give us change? We were very grateful for Andrea’s knowledge of languages, but it didn’t help us much on that occasion. After much wasted time we boarded a bus, with money at the ready. Suffice it to say that we reached our destination without being arrested! The Bratislava hostel was clean and adequate, although in a very poor-looking area, and we went to find a restaurant - interestingly situated in some cellars.
 YH Bratislava in a poor area
 A late night meal in a cellar bar - Andrea, Maz, Ann, Peter, Duncan, Fred, Alex, Ken and Martin
 The Group seem to be the only visitors!
The following morning we set off to explore. To our horror, we found that Tesco had followed us! We resisted the temptation to get the week’s shopping, and had breakfast in a Slovakian café. We wandered round the old town, which has so much history, with very interesting and well-preserved buildings, and walked up to the castle, overlooking the River Danube. There was such a heavy frost, it looked like snow.
 The moat and gate into the old city of Bratislava
 The city centre has had a lot of money spent on it
 A long walk up to the castle
 The Castle, Bratislava - dating from the 13th C.
Bratislavský hrad - The Castle
 The Danube from the castle. Hoar frost like snow
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