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A visit to Warley Place to see the display of snowdrops on 15th of February 2009. It was cold, with patches of snow still lying so the snowdrops weren't fully out. We spent some time huddled in the bird hides, and followed the Warley Place visit to a walk around Thorndon Park.

(Photos :Peter Gamble )

EFOG Snowdrops at Warley Place  Snow and Snowdrops at Warley Place - 15th February 2009

efog Warley Place    A magnificent tree at Warley Place - is Ken trying to hold it up?

efog Warley Place     The bird hide

efog Warley Place   and we are all watching something intently -

efog Warley Place   - the bird feeder!

efog Warley Place     By the pond?

efog Warley Place    Remains of the summer house

efog Warley Place    The object of the quest - Galanthus nivalis


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