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Thursday 6th November, Sparklers Night at ROVSCO hall. We had decided that our celebration of whatever we were celebrating around this time - be it Guy Fawkes, Diwali, Samhain or whatever - was to be toned down a bit, both cost-wise and noise-wise. So we used a variety of sparklers and turned into children - which wasn't difficult for us.
(Photos : Peter Gamble)
A Festival of Light celebration - 6th November 2008
Annick arrives to a celebration
and the street-lights join in
Trying to create patterns
Ignoring the 'No Smoking' sign?
This was before the fire services arrived
Val puts a bit of concentration into it
Sparklingly happy
 Maz does a wheelie
Parviz and Val - about to have a punch up?
 Discussions as to how the event went?
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