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The evening of Thursday 26th June was spent playing Boule in the grounds outside of our club-house in Snaresbrook. The ground is less than flat, and also with a variety of slopes, but as usual we didn't take things TOO seriously, and there were probably no losers in the games. Commiseration for the non-losers and non-winners alike - as well as the non-players, took place in the form of cheese and wine INSIDE the scout hut!

(Photographs by Peter Gamble)

EFOG Boule Evening at Snaresbrook - 26th June 2008

EFOG    Peter concentrating on his throw; Annick arguing about hers?

EFOG  Steve, Fred and Meg prepare to play boule

EFOG   Will you get out of the way, Meg!
EFOG  Steve walking off in disgust
Steve  Steve - disgusted
EFOG  Close attention to the game.


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