Wednesday 1st NEW YEAR'S DAY WALK. Burn off those festive calories! Meet outside Loughton Station at 10am. Peter
Thursday 2nd BRING & BUY SALE. Bring along your no-longer cherished possessions. Cliff
Sunday 5th PANTOMIME AT GREENWICH THEATRE... Puss in Boots. Pam
Thursday 9th VICTORIAN EVENING. Louise & Ian
Saturday 11th WALK. Leyton Marsh & Filter Beds. Susan B
Sunday 12th SWIMMING at Loughton Pool, followed by breakfast. Cliff
Thursday 16th GUEST SPEAKER on Occupational Therapy.
Sunday 19th Visit to the SECRET NUCLEAR BUNKER at Kelvedon Hatch, followed by a WALK. Lynne
Thursday 23rd TALK and SLIDESHOW EVENING...A visit to Turkey. Ken
Saturday 25th EXHIBITION at SOMERSET HOUSE and a WALK. Pam & Jim
Thursday 30th AGM. Your chance to have your say.
Saturday 1st COCKNEY NIGHT... on behalf of the British Dyslexia Associaton. Buckhurst Hill Primary School. Jacky
Sunday 2nd MYSTERY WALK. Meet at Snaresbrook tube station at 11.50am to leave by train at mid-day, then a walk of about 4 miles. Ian G.
Thursday 6th LEE'S RETIRMENT PARTY. With food and drinks. Lee
Saturday 8th WALK... from Tring Station. Meet at Euston Sation 10am to catch the 10.24 train to Tring. Jenefer
Thursday 13th GAMES EVENING. Dave
Friday 14th PYMOOR, CAMBS... Staying at Inger and Bill's. (Members only)
Saturday 15th PYMOOR, CAMBS... Wake up wth the Swans at Welney Wildfowl Centre (£12)
Saturday 22nd WARLEY PLACE Nature Reserve. Marian
Sunday 23rd THE GREEN LONDON WAY - Ist Section: Stratford to Beckton. Pam
Thursday 27th "WAR HORSE" at Picture House, Stratford. Pam or CHEESE AND WINE EVENING. Peter
Saturday 1st WALK... in the Poplar area, from Bromley-by-Bow to Limehouse, with an overview of the social and industrial history on the way. This will be the first of two walks in the area, continuing on Sunday 30th March. This walk is now fully booked. Paul
Sunday 2nd BADMINTON. Val.
Thursday 6th QUIZ. Sue S. and Julie
Saturday 8th WALK... in the Copped Hall area, followed by fish & chip supper. Meet 5.45 at gate. Peter
Sunday 9th COPPED HALL WORK PARTY. Meet at 10am at gate.
Thursday 13th PICTIONARY. Parviz
Saturday 15th WALKING WEEKEND.... details to be announced. Ian G.
Thursday 20th TAI CHI. Parviz.
Sunday 23rd BADMINTON. Val.
Thursday 27th CLUB NIGHT with Cheese and Wine.
Saturday 29th 10 PIN BOWLING Fred
Sunday 30th WALK... from Limehouse to Mile End. This is the second of two walks in the area around Poplar looking at the social and industrial history. Paul
Thursday 3rd PROGRAMME PLANNING...please try to have suggestions ready BEFORE the evening. Maz
Sunday 6th WALK...about 8 miles in and around Cookham, including part of The Thames Path. Option of a pub lunch. Meet in Cookham Car Park at 9.45am for 10am start or 8.30am near The Eagle for car sharing. Eileen
Thursday 10th SKITTLES. Cliff.
Friday 11th - Friday 18th BRIXHAM, DEVON...Staying in Log Cabins. Either a weekend or a week. Jenny
Sunday 13th WALK (for those not going to Devon)...15 or 26 miles with the Essex and Herts Long Distance Walkers Association. Jenefer
Thursday 17th EASTER EGG HUNT. Sue C.
Friday 18th - Monday 21st EASTER WEEKEND WALKING IN THE LAKE DISTRICT. Staying at the Ambleside YHA. (Now fully booked.)
Saturday 19th WALK ... (for those not in the Lake District) part of the North Downs Way. 8 miles from Otford to Wrotham. Ken
Thursday 24th BINGO. Ken
Saturday 26th QUIZ and SUPPER. Bring friends, relatives; anyone is welcome. 7pm for 7.30 start. Tickets £5 Peter
Sunday 27th CYCLE RIDE. Parviz
Thursday 1st ITALIAN FOOD NIGHT. Bernie
Saturday 3rd SWAINES GREEN FAYRE, 11.00-5.00 Epping. Maz
OR QUIZ at Palmerston Road. Jacky
OR PLAYNE NUTZ, playing at the White Swan, Hoddesdon. Dave
Thursday 8th QUIZ. Eileen
Saturday 10th BBC STUDIO VISIT. Jacky
Sunday 11th CYCLE RIDE. Ian G.
Thursday 15th HOCKEY BY NUMBERS. Jill V.
Saturday 17th NEW REDBRIDGE WIND ORCHESTRA. 7.30 Peter B.
Sunday 18th WALK... along the River Lea to the Thames. Paul
Thursday 22nd BALLOON VOLLEY BALL (replacing Chigwell Riding Trust presentation)
Saturday 24th to Saturday 31st THE ISLAND OF MULL. Staying at Tobermory Youth Hostel. Ian G.
Saturday 24th
Sunday 25th OPEN at DAY COPPED HALL. 11.00 to 4.00 Maz
Thursday 29th T’AI CHI. Come and loosen up with Parviz
Saturday 31st EVENING WALK...from Epping Station at 5.30. Incorporating the Forest Gate pub at Bell Common on our journey. Peter
Sunday 1st
Thursday 5th PRESENTATION by Deborah Hall, Chigwell Trust for Special Needs. (replacing Famos People)
Saturday 7th WALK... from Tower Bridge to Greenwich. Ian G.
Sunday 8th Chigwell Riding Trust WORK PARTY. 10 a.m. Maz
Thursday 12th EVENING WALK... 7.00 at front gate of ROVSCO Hall. (Note the hall will be closed) Peter
Friday 13th to Monday 16th FOREST OF DEAN. Jacky
Saturday 14th EAGLE POND TIDY UP. Ian G.
Sunday 15th WALK... from Goring and Streatley. Lynne
Thursday 19th FAMOUS PEOPLE. Eileen (replacing Volleyball)
Friday 20th VISIT to the Medicinal Garden at Royal College of Physicians. Susan B.
Saturday 21st THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Capel Manor. Jacky
Sunday 22nd WALK... from Richmond Gate, Richmond Park. John Hatto
Thursday 26th CREAM TEA EVENING. Bernie (replacing Mystery Evening)
Friday 27th to Sat 5th July COUNTY ANTRIM, Northern Ireland. Eileen
Sunday 29th HERTS HOBBLE Sue C.
Thursday 3rd MYSTERY EVENING. Ian S. (replacing Creaam Tea Evening)
Friday 4th ‘GUYS & DOLLS’ Kenneth More Theatre. Ian G.
Saturday 5th WALK...Second leg of the Green London Way. Pam
Sunday 6th CITY OF LONDON FESTIVAL. 12.00 to 4.00. Jill V.
Thursday 10th GAMES on Christ Church Green 7.00. (note that the ROVSCO hall will be closed) Peter G.
Saturday 12th MAP AND COMPASS SKILLS. Epping Forest Field Centre. Jill V.
Thursday 17th BOULE. Bring food and drink. Annick
Friday 18th Playne Nutz at The Duke's Head, Walthamstow. Dave
Saturday 19th Walk...from Coggeshall Village. Meet in the village car park 9.30am. Eileen
Sunday 20th Epping Forest CYCLE RIDE. Starts 10.45 at Queen Elizabeth Huntilng Lodge. Ian G.
Sunday 20th London Event - 25 mile Cycle ride and picnic. Must be booked. Lynne & Jill
Thursday 24th OUTDOOR SKITTLES. Cliff
Saturday 26th WALK... including Forty Hall, near Enfield (note: changed from Rainham Marshes.) Madeleine
Wednesday 30th July Help clean up Regents Canal with the Regents Canal Coalition 6pm - 8pm Paul
Thursday 31st PROGRAMME PLANNING. An evening getting ideas for our forthcoming programme. Maz
Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd YHA WALKING weekend. Ian G. CANCELLED
Saturday 2nd EFOG stand at ‘Working Woodland Day’. Cliff
Thursday 7th CRYSTAL MAZE. Trevor
OR JAZZ IN THE CELLARS, Copped Hall, 7.00. Maz
Sunday 10th FOR INFORMATION DUXFORD AIR MUSEUM suggested by Clive
Thursday 14th HEALTH CHECK - with Nurse Jim. Jim
Saturday 16th BARBECUE at Scout hall 2.00 to 5.00 Peter
Sunday 17th CHECKPOINT PLOTTING. Golf club café 9.30 for 10.00. Peter
Thursday 21st PICTIONARY. Parviz
Friday 22ndto Monday 25th YHA WALKING weekend in Liverpool. Ken
Sunday 24th OPEN DAY Copped Hall. 11.00 to 4.00 Maz
Thursday 28th DESERT ISLAND DISCS. Pam
Saturday 30th WALK... with Ancestors Trail - Chingford to Cheshunt Pam
Saturday 30th Playne Nutz at The Railway Tavern, South Woodford Dave
Sunday 31st CYCLE RIDE in Epping Forest. Starts 10.45 at Queen Elizabeth Hunting Lodge. Ian G.
OR FOR INFORMATION ANTIQUES ROAD SHOW, Walthamstow Town Hall. suggested by Jill V.
Monday 1st 'Anthony and Cleopatra' at Sam Wannamaker Playhouse, The Globe. Pam
Thursday 4th Indoor Games Dave
Friday 5th Barn Dance at The Chiigwell Riding Trust. Tickets £10 Maz
Saturday 6th Tall Ships Festival, Greenwich Jacky
including the opportunity to see 'Mother Courage' Cliff
Thursday 11th Crossword Quiz Trevor
Saturday 13th Walk with a tape and a compass in Epping Forest. Peter & Sue
Sunday 14th EFOG stand at The Wanstead Festival Peter
Sunday 14th Bike Ride Ian G
Thursday 18th Square Dancing Tony & Sara
Friday 19th - Sunday 21st Camping In Newbourne Woodland Campsite, Suffolk Ian S
Wednesday 24th 'Tamasha' at Redbridge Drama Centre Ian G
Thursday 25th Quiz Cliff
Saturday 27th Oxfam Walk. Near St. Albans Sue
Thursday 2nd Not All Quiet On The Western Front Sue C
Saturday 4th Coggleshall Walk Eileen
Saturday 4th - Sunday 12th October FOR INFORMATION Woodford Festival Recommended by Dave
Sunday 5th Visit to the Thames Barrier Jacky - Postponed to later date.
Sunday 5th Fungi Walk in Hainault Lodge Nature Reserve Lynne
Thursday 9th Rodings Rally Clues Evening Sue & Peter
Friday 10th 'War Correspondents' at Stratford Circus Pam
Saturday 11th Paul G's 50th Birthday, Belgravia 6pm Paul G
Sunday 12th Apple Day at Copped Hall Maz
Thursday 16th ' Breakfast Evening' in aid of Carer's Trust Louise
Saturday 18th Walk - from Bostall Heath to Woolwich Arsenal (ending with optional viisit to the museum). Pam Postponed to November 29th
Saturday 18th Walk in Epping Forest with tape & compass. Leave from golfers' café Chingford Plain 10am Peter
Thursday 23rd Beetle Drive Cliff
Friday 24th 'The Infidel' at the Theatre Royal, Stratford. Musical comedy. Pam
Sunday 26th 'October Plenty' - an Autumn harvest celebration held annually in Southwark Cliff
Thursday 30th Programme Planning. Send plans in beforehand when possible - has been working well. Maz
Saturday 1st Walk in Epping Forest with tape & compass. Leave from golfers' café Chingford Plain 10am Peter
Thursday 6th Samaritan's Gift Shoe Boxes - Jacky - and sparklers with Peter
Saturday 8th Checkpoint Checking. 10am golfers' café. Peter
Sunday 9th Further Checkpoint Checking if needed. Peter
Wednesday 12th 'Songs That Won The War' at Lopping Hall Ian G
Thursday 13th Rodings Rally Briefing Sue & Peter
Saturday 15th 58th Rodings Rally. High Beach Village Hall opens 2pm. Meal 5pm. Please be on time.
and Sunday 16th afterwards - Group Breakfast - clean up hall & take equipment away. Sue & Peter
Thursday 20th Rodings Rally de-briefing. Your input is how we improve future rallies. Sue & Peter
Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd YHA Weekend in Oxford Ian G
Saturday 22nd Wives Charity Supper With Magicians. Tickets £10 including light supper. Jacky
Thursday 27th Quiz Eileen
Friday 28th 'Not About Heroes' at Studio 2, Trafalgar Studios, Whitehall. West End drama based on the poems and experiences of Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. Pam
Saturday 29th Walk - from Bostall Heath to Woolwich Arsenal via shooters Hill (ending with optional viisit to the museum). Pam (originally planned for 18th October)
Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th FOR INFORMATION. 'Cinderella - a Fantasy' performed in aid of charity by Starlighters - Truro Hall, Walthamstow E17 Recommended by Clive
Thursday 4th Games Night Dave
Sunday 7th Chigwell Riding Trust Carol Concert & Nativity Maz
Thursday 11th Making Christmas Table Decorations Jacky
Saturday 13th EFOG Christmas Meal Out Val
Wednesday 17th FYI Carols at High Beach Church recommended by Maz & others
Thursday 18th EFOG Christmas Party
Saturday 20th Christmas Lights Walk Ian G.
Sunday 28th A 'Nothing To Do With Christmas' Evening at Pam's Place. Pam