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On Saturday 4th of April 2009 ten people and three dogs walked from North Woolwich to Bostall Heath. A varied walk, beginning with either a spiral staircase or a lift to access the Woolwich foot tunnel beneath the Thames. Then eastwards along the Thames Path past the Woolwich Arsenal site to Thamesmead. Southwards from the river, and along the canals and past the lakes of Thamesmead to eventually head uphill past Lesnes Abbey, through the daffodil woods and to spend a little time searching for sharks' teeth in the sand.

(Photos :Paul Ferris and Peter Gamble )

efog Woolwich Walk  Woolwich, Thames Path and Lesnes Abbey Walk - 4th April 2009

efog    Fred, foot-slogging out of the foot tunnel

efog   Some of the group waiting for the bus to North Woolwich

efog  The Woolwich Foot-tunnel entrance, with waymarkers for the Thames Path and Green Chain Walks

efog  A confusion of humans, non-humans and canines at Woolwich Arsenal

efog    More confusion - this time about the distances marked on the Thames-side sculpture

efog    The sculpture had distances via the Cycle network to various destinations in the UK. The distances looked a bit fishy to me.

efog   Eddie the terrier and Katie the greyhound expecting their lunch, too

efog Along the Thames Path, heading for the coast

efog   Setting off after a refreshment stop on a gun emplacement. Some are still stopped.

efog   Leaving the Thames for the delights of Thamesmead -

efog   -which was perhaps more pleasent than some had expected

efog   Another refreshment stop, in the sunshine by a lake

efog Thamesmead   Still negotiating Thamesmead - part of the mid-60s estate

efog Lesnes Abbey   Five miles and warm sunshine - a pause within Lesnes Abbey

efog Lesnes Abbey Woods  and in Lesnes Abbey Wood, Wood Anemones

efog  Down and up hill

Fossil Hunting   Serious fossil-hunting

efog fossil hunting  at least, some searched seriously - others idled

efog  Lesnes Abbey Wood

Efog fossils Spot the fossils

efog Woolwich Ferry  Our return transport to civilization - the Woolwich Ferry

efog Woolwich Ferry   Going home


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