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The annual May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping is an event that a couple of our members usually try to attend and set up a display stand to promote the Group. Unfortunately on 3rd May this year, there wasn't time or help available to do this, but a number of our members got there anyway. It was a beautiful day - perfect for an English fete! There were displays relating to bee-keeping, Copped Hall, owls and ferrets, and activities such as Maypole dancing, tug-of-war and a guided wild-life walk. There was also a brawl between a chap called Punch and the local rozzer. There were also sausages.

(Photographs by Peter Gamble and Paul Ferris)

May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping   Swaines Green - 3 May 2008

May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping  Steve, Maz and Meg

May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping    The Copped Hall Trust display

May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping  A distinct lack of owls (oh, yes - there are a couple of little ones)
May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping  More on spaniels and bulldogs
May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping  Eyeowl
May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping   Lama, buggie and bulldog, and a King Charles Spaniel
May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping  Trouble with crocodiles
May Fayre at Swaines Green, Epping   More creatures fom the Fayre


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