Coming soon - this month and more

Our main programme is planned 3 months in advance. This page gives additional and updated information about EFOG activities taking place over the next few weeks, including those added since the Programme Planning evening. Contact details for members organising events are on member's paper programmes and will be sent via EFOG e-mails.

Events headed FYI (FOR YOUR INFORMATION) have been recommended by an EFOG member but no-one is formally co-ordinating the activity. If interested you will need to make your own arrangements and/or chat with others about doing something together.

An asterisk * marks an events which needs to be booked in advance. Those coming up in in future months are listed at the bottom of this page. Please book asap.

If you are not a member and would like more information or to join us for a trial period please see our home page or  click here


Updates & Notices

Almost here - EFOG's annual Panto in 2018 - Saturday January 6th. 'Cinderella' at Greenwich. The best seats go quickly. Please let Sue know if you want to go.  See group e-mail 5th November.

Easter weekend (31st March - 3rd April) break in Goring on Thames. If you want to join the others in a B&B contact Ken now - only 2 places left. More accomodation options, including YHA nearby. See group e-mail 4th November.


Thursday 4th    Bring and Buy Sale   Ian

Saturday 6th      Panto. Cinderella, at Greenwich Theatre   Sue C.

Thursday 11th   Ian's Mystery Evening  Ian


Future activities - which need to be booked in advance:

*Saturday January 6th   Panto at Greenwich - see notice above  Sue C

*Friday 31st March - Monday 3rd April  Easter Weekend Break in Goring On Thames - see above.  Ken

*May Bank Holiday on the Norfolk Broads - Trevor

*June - EFOG's Annual Trip to Ireland - Eileen
