A Great Day out in the Cairngorms - October 2009
Last October half-term 14 group members made a near perfect trip to Aviemore at the southern end of the Cairngorm plateau. We travelled by train at an extremely advantageous fare courtesy of a special offer by National Express East Coast.
Our accommodation in the SHYA hostel in Aviemore village was comfortable and very convenient. Local bus services took us to the start points of our walks on days one and three and returned us to the village from the end points of the walks. The weather throughout was bright and dry if not always sunny. We had three wonderful walking days but for brevity I will give an account only of the first.
The day was so gloriously sunny we decided to tackle the hardest of the three projected walks - an ascent of Cairn Gorm mountain via the northern corries. We started from the car park of the ski lift and followed a beautiful route which took us almost immediately away from all the rather ugly paraphernalia of the ski resort.
The climb was fairly gentle at first but became steeper as made our way up and around the westernmost of the corries on the southern edge of the plateau. We had lunch in bright sunshine at Cairn Lochan on the very rim of Corrie an Lochain looking down on Glenmore and Loch Morlich. So far so good.
We pressed on with some sizable ascents and descents along the edge of the northern corries towards the peak of Cairn Gorm. At 1245 m. it isn’t the highest of the mountains in this area but especially by this route is one of the most pleasing. The last short but steep climb to the summit taxed already aching muscles.
After taking our celebratory group photo we made our descent by the direct route down the ridges of the ski slopes to the day lodge. Our rather tired but happy group of eleven members on the climb were relieved to be able to sit on the bus for the ride down Glenmore back to Aviemore and the comforts of the hostel.
Ken 27th December 2009
During a recent walk in the fens led by Inger, Sue S. produced a container of snack bars that she'd made. They went down very well, and some of us lusted after the recipe...
Supercalorific snack bars for peckish walkers, otherwise known as ---
Granola Bars
6oz unsalted butter
5oz clear honey
9oz demerara sugar
12oz porridge oats
1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
3oz shelled pecan nuts or walnuts, chopped
3oz raisins
3oz dried papaya or mango, chopped
3oz dried apricots, chopped
3oz pumpkin seeds
2oz ground almonds
2oz sesame seeds
1. Preheat oven to Gas Mark 5 / 190OC
2. Line base of 23cm/9in square 5cm/2in deep cake tin with greaseproof paper. (Note: I used a tin 23cm x 30cm, and 3cm deep)
3. Grease the greaseproof paper
4. Melt butter and honey in saucepan, then stir in sugar
5. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes stirring until sugar has dissolved
6. Bring to boil then boil for 1-2 minutes, stirring all the time until thickened into a smooth caramel sauce
7. Mix together remaining ingredients and stir into sauce until well combined
8. Spoon into tin and press down well with the back of a warm wet spoon
9. Back for 15 minutes until beginning to brown around the edges
10. Cool
11. Run a sharp knife around edge of tin to loosen
12. Turn out and peel off greaseproof paper.
13. Cut into squares (if possible freeze for an hour first, then cut)
recipe courtesy of Sue S. 26th January 2010
Celebratory Birthday Walk Sunday, 17th January 2010.
I was very glad to discover and join Epping Forest Outdoor Group (or 'Walthamstow and Chingford Outdoor Group ' as it was then known ) following my husband's passing, and the people there didn't disappoint; I was warmly welcomed and have been happy to call them my friends ever since.
I moved to Bucks from London 7 years ago, so club attendance is less frequent, but I did want to share a 'landmark birthday', along with another member who is also a Capricorn. We thought a winter walk through Wanstead and Valentines' Parks would be an interesting event.
Thus on Sunday 17th January, Ralph and I arrived at 10am. outside the George to find Paul and a large group of about 20 people suitably attired for walking, bearing rucksacks, and ready to go! I was given some cards and birthday congratulations, and we set off. The weather was perfect -- cool, but not cold, with plenty of sunshine.
Paul led us down to the Redbridge Roundabout where we picked up the Roding Valley Way, alongside the river, which was in full spate due to snow-melt and rainfall on previous days. Then over the A406 footbridge and through a few Ilford streets, and onto the Cranbrook Road. Paul pointed out that we had been walking steadily downhill into a shallow valley; the reason was the Cran Brook at the bottom, which we saw disappearing under the road, having emerged from Valentines' Park.
After a short walk by the lake in the park, the Pavilion Cafe loomed, and we stopped off for hot drinks and a snack or two. The park is neatly laid out and has several rhododendron bushes which must be beautiful in the spring. We made our way to the grounds of the newly-restored Valentines Mansion and halted in one of the walled gardens, for my birthday celebration.
Sue had got a large fabric carrier bag which contained a delicious spiced apple cake that she had made. I was given a large lit candle to hold while the members sang "Happy Birthday" and Cliff did the honours by slicing the cake. Thanks to everyone for 'marking the occasion' and for the group card containing good wishes and their signatures.
Time to return. We arrived back at the footbridge to cross the Roding into Wanstead Park, where took refreshment and had lunch by the tea kiosk. We then walked on past the Temple, and out of the park, making a small detour into St. Mary's churchyard. Here Paul pointed out the hidden entrance into the crypt, and and the stone 'watchbox' where a guard kept an eye on things in the days of the bodysnatchers!
Then back to the George, where two more members joined us. We gathered in the beergarden (we are an outdoor group!) and spent a pleasant hour over a drink. It was a great way to spend a January Sunday, especially among such good friends.
Jill Domeny 26th December 2010
A Very ‘In-Tents’ Experience! - the 53rd Rodings Rally
The 53rd Rodings Rally - run entirely by the Epping Forest Outdoor Group - took place over the weekend of 14/15 November 2009. For those of you who have never come across it before, the Rally is an orienteering/map reading competition, over a short course of roughly 5 miles or a longer course of about 12 miles, through Epping Forest, using both forest tracks and going across country. It’s most unique feature, though, is that it is in the dark!
As new-ish members of EFOG, we had missed the Rally last year so this was to be our first time helping in any capacity. After weeks of plotting points, diving through bushes (see, competitors, we have to do it as well!) and triangulating our positions, it was time for the big event. EFOG is not a huge group, so it’s all hands to the pumps. Setting up the hall, getting people fed, marshalling paperwork and contestants - it’s all done by the members, new and old. By 6.30 on Saturday evening, with the starters already holding eager competitors at bay, we set off for the trees armed with stories of other marshals' previous nocturnal adventures.
Our tent, midway on the course, was in the lee of a large fallen tree, just below the brow of Staples Hill. Since the competitors are supposed to find us, we made it a bit less easy by adding some twigs to break up the outline of the tent, then zipped ourselves into sleeping bags to await out first customer. Owls hooted, animals scurried past. At about 11.45 a heavier grade of rustling produced our first customer, check point board thrust to our tent flap keenly. Then the rush hour began!
Between 12 and 1am the forest was alive with tramping feet, calling voices and rustling of bushes. With our tent flap ajar slightly we watched the less experienced competitors blundering about, circling close to us but not close enough. Soon we were able to sense those who had done this before – they all approached very quietly without the aid of torches, said very little then slipped away silently. One team, who had been up and down the hill passed us several times, eventually found us and produced the best comment of the night – “Why does your tent have to be green?”. Answer - it doesn’t, it just is, and it helps to make us harder to find!
In this group we also encountered our first incomplete board. In fact it had been signed only by tent 6, the checkpoint after ours. We pointed this out to the team who replied “oh, so you have to do them in the right order then?” Unfortunately yes, it’s in the rules. “Oh we’re from Down Under, we didn’t realise.” They did set off and we are happy to report completed the course, one and a half times!
They were the lucky ones. Shortly after 1am it began to rain fairly steadily. As this was a few days after the terrible storms, there had been some doubt about the Rally even taking place, so it was with some sympathy that we welcomed those who dripped past. Quite a number of people had by this time missed our predecessor checkpoint and feelings were quite strong about its position. Most folk, it turned out, were looking at the top of Yardley Hill, an area of dense vegetation. Had they but looked down the hill, the tent could be seen quite clearly in the open! We were even accused of cutting down the vegetation around it just to fool people. Now, we know EFOG does a lot of clearing projects for other groups, but really! Offered the opportunity to go back and fill in the missing checkpoint, the general response of the poor sodden competitors was along the lines of “not ***** likely!”
Poor brave souls continued to trickle through until shortly before 6am, though we remained on station till almost 8am, just in case. Packing the tent, we repaired to the pick-up point, then back to base for a hearty breakfast from the EFOG chefs. Boxes were packed up, floors washed and everyone went home on a sunny morning to get some proper sleep!! See you all next year, competitors!
Sue U. 26th January 2010
Attracting New Members to Epping Forest Outdoor Group in 2009.
We are an active group with a core of regular members, plus a number of non-local members who attend and put on events from time to time. It was felt, however, that we needed to bring in more local people to keep our numbers up and to benefit from their ideas and interaction.
Part of the problem was that our principal publicity drive was in September, when the group was also gearing up for Rodings Rally (in November) and New Member initiatives got entwined with Rally work, and no one in particular was assigned to looking after the interests of potential recruits at this time.
We decided to experiment and hold a New Members' evening on 14th May and had a BBQ going outside in the hall grounds, with our photo display stands on view. We distributed literature at the gate and welcomed in several people.
As a follow-up, a New Members' Walk took place the following Saturday, following the River Roding as far as Buckhurst Hill. We had quite a few new faces amongst the 24 people who came. We returned by train to Snaresbrook. However, hardly anyone came along to join EFOG afterwards, which was disappointing.
Undeterred, it was decided that we should update our public image, beginning with the website. One of our computer-literate members revamped the site, now with its own domain address, and more photographs and brief event descriptions, together with an 'eblog' page were added to the existing items, which included past yearly programmes and Rodings Rally information.
It was decided that our group publicity literature needed updating, and this was done with scenic backgrounds to the wording, and an upbeat approach to our activities.
In the summer the Committee decided that the recruitment of new members should be the responsibility of a dedicated sub-committee, and 6 people agreed to serve, 2 of them being on the main Committee. It met several times and redesigned publicity leaflets were devised for distribution at 2 local public events - the Epping Forest Festival on 6th September and the Wanstead Fair on 13th September.
The following Thursday was our New Members' Evening at our HQ. Several of us took turns to give out leaflets to passing commuters and around 6 members of the public came in to enjoy cheese, wine and biscuits and peruse our photo albums and admire our large photo display. Each received a New Members' Pack.
The New Members' Pack.
- A member of the sub-committee had already devised her own version of a pack, which was impressive. The Welcome Pack envelope carried outdoor icons, and inside were photos, names and a brief description of the current officers and Committee.
- An A5 sheet gave a brief history of the group - founded in 1956 - and a summary of its varied activities.
- We needed to know what interests a new member might have, so there was a brief questionnaire on this, and also how they had heard about us.
- There were also details on how to contact the group, and finally a copy of the current programme, bearing our website address.
- The pack was updated in the autumn of 2009.
As a result of the year's efforts we now have 6 people on our books, most of whom attend meetings and events regularly.
We hope we may repeat this success in 2010.
Jill D. 25th January 2010