Bethnal Green to Canary Wharf Walk

Five members met at Bethnal Green tube station to brave the weather on a damp and drizzly 8th February. Passing the V&A Museum of Childhood, we walked towards Victoria Park, stopping on the way to reflect on the Cyprus Road memorial plaques, 26 soldiers from this one street lost their lives during the 1st World War. Cyprus road is also one of the smartest streets around with colourful doors and matching window shutters. On arrival at Victoria Park, we stopped at and read about the Pagoda before 4 of us walked on around the lake. With lots of ducks and geese on the lake, the Pochards stood out, both the standard one and some amazing red-crested Pochards with lovely bright red/orange heads. There were also quite a few Shovelers which were funny to watch as some pairs were going around in tight circles stirring up the lake-bed for food.

Victoria Park Pagoda 250208artThe Chinese Pagoda, Victoria ParkWe then joined the Regents Canal to continue our walk admiring the river various craft with all their unusual names and decorations. Fozi left us just after the Ragged School Museum and luckily did not have to wait long for a bus. The remaining 4 of us carried on down the Regents Canal to the Limehouse Basin where we admired the larger boats, and where we were in for a nice surprise. Just after the dock gates on the Thames side, Trev and Richard spotted a seal sticking its head up out of the Thames. We all then tried to spot it again, and when it surfaced again we saw it was a large grey seal, with a large fish in its mouth (on looking up 'fishes in the Thames' when I got home, I think it was a Carp). The seal went down again, and did not reappear so we carried on down Narrow Road to admire the huge Seagull statue (one of my favourites). We carried on through to the Thames Path to view the river traffic and on to Canary Wharf Pier. With the drizzle turning to rain, we headed up the stairs and through to the Canary Wharf fountain. Richard left us at that stage, leaving 3 of us to walk across the Pontoon bridge to West India Quay, watching a group of young men bathing in a 'tub' boat gave us a laugh (mad!) the bubble covered boat pods at least looked dryer and saner. We finished our walk with lunch at the Ledger Building before heading home.

Sue S. 9th February 2025