Isle of Dogs walk

On a rather dreary and wet 9th December, a group of us met at Canary Wharf Station. En route we’d heard an order to evacuate Whitechapel Station when we were changing trains on the Elizabeth Line, but that turned out to just be a fire alarm test.

We walked first to the Museum of London Docklands, where we learned the origins of the names ‘Isle of Dogs’ and ‘Canary Wharf’ as well as being able to learn about the Docklands trades, slavery etc.

After an hour or so we left the museum and were pleased to find that the rain had stopped.

Going past Westferry Circus we joined the Thames Path on this northern bank of the river.

We saw several Cormorants and a Heron around one pier. We carried on past the Sir John McDougall Gardens (the flour magnate), then passed the launch site for Brunel’s SS Great Eastern and continued until we could see the Cutty Sark and the Old Royal Naval College.

We then cut through Millwall Park to Mudchute Farm where we saw Indian Runner Ducks, Golden Pheasants, llamas, sheep, goats and pigs and then up to Asda for lunch and caught the DLR back from Crossharbour Station, having walked a total of about 4 miles.

Richard,  13th December 2023

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