London Riverside walk

Six members met on Saturday 18th March for a London Thames walk starting at Blackfriars underground station. I gave some history commentary on Blackfriars rail & road bridges, pointed out the ‘pulpit’ like seating areas on road bridge, which are decorated with marine birds downstream and freshwater birds upstream. We had a look at the huge mural by the Australian street artist Jimmy C. on the south side before setting off downstream, visiting the Sea Containers design centre and Gabriel’s Wharf on the way. riverside walk 230318 sue s002artAfter passing the tourists waiting for their London Eye rides or visitor attractions, we passed under Westminster Bridge to view the National Covid Memorial Wall which stretches a long way down opposite the Houses of Parliament. 

riverside walk 230318 sue s001artWe continued to enjoy the various sites along the river, both historic and modern.  Vauxhall Bridge is interesting; one of the eight female statues that adorn the bridge holds a miniature of St Paul's Cathedral.  We continued on to reach Battersea Power Station, I think it is amazing what they have done to the site; there are a couple of exhibition areas inside, some of the old workings are on view, and the scale inside is huge. There is an observation lift up one on the chimneys (pricey), lots of shops (pricey), eateries etc.

Two members left us after lunch, and four of us carried on downstream a bit further to cross back over to the north side of the river via Chelsea Bridge. We walked back upstream, taking in more sites until we reached Westminster, where the walk ended at around 7 mile mark.   

The weather forecast was for rain. While it was lightly drizzling when we started out, it soon stopped. There was a heavy shower lunchtime when we were luckily inside, and so we missed the worst and enjoyed some sunshine at times.

Sue. S.   19th March 2023