Recollections of the Rodings Rally

In years past – each year from approximately late September through to November – a frequent and fun (for some, anyway) EFOG activity would take place, usually on a weekend day but sometimes midweek, too.

This gave a number of group-members an opportunity to meet up and have lots of fun in Epping Forest, to get holly-scratched and footsore, get hot, cold, tired and lost. Obviously, this was an outdoor group enjoying itself to the extreme. This regular part of our late-summer and autumn programme took place for 62 years, to end finally in 2018.

The activity mentioned was ‘Checkpoint Plotting’, just one of a number of precursors to that annual EFOG event – The Rodings Rally. There was a lot of additional planning that had to take place even before those fun-filled days in the forest could happen: working out where the checkpoints that had to be plotted were going to be positioned, for example. There were decisions to be made on what night the actual event was going to take place, getting permissions for it to happen from the Conservators of Epping Forest, hiring the hall that was to be the ‘headquarters’ during the event, deciding what members of the group would be doing what. And there were a lot of doings that needed doing: who was going to man the checkpoints, for example, who was going to stay overnight in the hall, who was going to drive, who was going to cook, who was…

Those club members – and there were a lot of them – and those ex-members, and those non-members who participated in the planning and execution of the rally, and those hundreds of people over the years whotook part in it, will all remember the event fondly. After 62 Rodings Rallies, we just had to end it, as there were less and less club members willing to devote there time and energy to it, and those that were were – as happens after 62 years – getting older.

So – just a reminder for the present group, of times past. I was reminded of it as we come into November, the month when the Rally took place, and I received a communication from Roger Snook. Roger – together with his friend David – were non-members who had been coerced (by me) into helping out by staying in a checkpoint tent overnight for the last few years of the rally. Having survived the first time, they were enthusiastic to return each year – and would probably still be doing it. Roger has occasionally said to me that they are really sad it doesn’t happen any more.

Here is his report on the rally:


'I write as a new participant in the great EFOG Rodings Rally in which, last Saturday, 300 brave souls attempted to find ten needles in a haystack called Epping Forest – in the dark. We, David and I, were one of the needles, and our checkpoint was Number 4 – Bury Wood. From our viewpoint, as complete novices, we would like to pass on some lessons learned.

1. If you are interested in the idea of spending 12 hours in the dark in a flimsy tent in cold, foggy weather with a real possibility of rain, wind, frost, sleet, snow, thunder and lightening, to name but a few, the first and most important rule is – find somebody else to do it! If you require help with this skill, we recommend Paul – we were putty in his hands!

 2. Have a good look at your tent (put it up in advance) – was its previous owner Baden Powell, are half its ‘bits’ missing, and would it just about accommodate Grumpy and Dopey? If the answer to these questions is yes, take your own. Experience has taught us that, if you wish to make your tent difficult to find, choose a nice bright scarlet-coloured specimen. In our case, only less than 50% of the contestants found us – a record for the night.

3. Assuming you don't have a degree in civil engineering, and are possessed of average hamfistedness, get to your site early (7pm) to erect your tent.

Do not use guys (they trip over them, and, unless it is windy, they are unnecessary). It is difficult to hold or support a torch in a way that is remotely helpful and, if your colleague is of a puritanical persuasion, you will need to learn to swear under your breath.

4. If you do not wish to suffer the fate of Scott of the Antarctic, take something that would have got him there before Amundsen – a duvet.

Also something to lie on – preferably inflatable as you have to be able to walk 12 hours later.

5. Make full use of the ‘bathroom’ before you leave.

6. Make sure your colleague lies on the side near the door (nudge! nudge! wink! wink!).

7. You need a big, digital time readout on your phone.

As to the experience itself – here goes!

Lying, tense with nervous expectation in a tangible silence – waiting – waiting. Then a distant snap of a branch, then silence and we let out our held breath. Then another – was it nearer? And another. “Was that a voice?” “I didn’t hear anything”. “You never hear anything! There – surely you heard that (pause) even you must have heard that”. “Yes I can hear them now – they’re getting closer”. Lights begin to flicker, get nearer, flash on the tent. Cracking and snapping of branches and “Where are you Felicity?” “Over here Archibald!”

Some of the voices must have been audible half a mile away, while others were half whispered as they closed in on us. We froze as they got nearer with that nasty feeling of being hunted down. Soon the silhouettes of adjacent trees became sharp before the blazing headlights and David (who was nearest to the door!!) scrambled over to respond to the muffled “Hello!”. Zipping open the door, all we could see was big muddy boots and a hand with a card. It could have been the Mad Axe Man of Epping Forest for all we knew. David entered the time, signed the card, completed the time sheet and wished them luck. They vanished like phantoms into the night and all became still again. The pace increased towards midnight, and from 3 o’clockish till awoken by a warm, comfortable breakfasted Paul at 7.30, we got some sleep. Naturally, we lost our way on the way back – but that’s another story!!

Would we do it again? Well may you ask? The day before the event, David was grumpily asking what possessed us to volunteer. And I was sure we had to be slightly mad. Both of us blamed Paul and the sob story he sold us! After the event however, we both – rather shamefacedly – had to admit that we had thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. We felt that our souls had been purified by sacrifice and suffering and – if asked by those very nice people at EFOG to do it again – yes, we would!'


There it is – the reminder. For those of us that got involved, I suspect that most of us would do it again too, if we were able! Oh, and why was I the warm,comfortable and breakfasted Paul who woke them at 7.30? Well, I was one of the sensible members who stayed overnight in the village hall - not in a tent!

Paul Ferris/Roger Snook, 1st November 2022