Pangbourne Walk - Saturday 22nd September

Three trusty EFOG members met up at Paddington Station at 9am to set out for Pangbourne for a walk. We had actually stayed near there, in Goring-on-Thames, at Easter time - so it was a question of Pangbourne re-visited (only I was not able to partake in the mainstream walks at Easter - thankfully now I am walking much better).

It started to drizzle as we reached Pangbourne and unfortunately it did not stop for the rest of the day. Luckily not really heavy rain, but steady and persistent. It was a pleasant walk however, in spite of the rain. We crossed the lovely little toll bridge (free to walkers thankfully) to Whitchurch across the river visiting the pretty little 12th Century Church of St. Mary on the way, then following the Thames Path for a way, before going uphill through woods and through some nice little villages (including one rather quaintly named Blackbirds Bottom). As we had brought our lunches with us we dined in style in a bus shelter in Whitchurch on the Hill before cutting across fields to bring us back onto the circular route back to the original village of Whitchurch near the toll bridge. We encountered alpacas, many horses, and a field full of rather frisky young bullocks who were very interested in us and were keen to play! Jill headed resolutely towards the far field gate, I wafted a soggy bunch of maps and instructions at them, but the gallant Sir Ken brought up the rear and staved off the wild beasts whilst we made our escape! Anyway, after that bit of excitement we had a well deserved drink in a very nice pub in Whitchurch (The Greyhound) which welcomed, soggy walkers, cyclists and dogs, before heading back to Pangbourne and catching the 16.17 train back to Paddington.

A very enjoyable, if rather wet, day out walking approximately 8.5 miles. Thanks Jill and Ken for your company.

Lynne, 5th October 2018