River Roding Walk, 5th February 2012

Snow had been forecast the previous day so it was no great surprise to see about 4 inches of the white stuff on the ground on Sunday morning. I looked forward to the prospect of the Roding valley path decked in snow. However, better I thought to check my emails in case the walk had been cancelled. No messages so off I went. The main roads were clear and presented no problems to a careful driver (like me!)

The Group in the snowThe Group pose in the snowOnly Jill and Julie were at the starting point when I arrived but others including Ian Greer our leader soon came. We were 10 in all. Some had been unable to get to the start because of the weather. After the snow the air was cool but not frosty. In about 15 minutes we were at the start of the Roding path off the A12 just south of the Redbridge roundabout. Ian led off at a good pace and soon everyone was comfortably warm within their layered clothing. We walked in single file and those near the back had a somewhat better surface to walk on.

We paused briefly at intervals to close up the column. Snow lay all around – deepish and even but not unduly crisp. The path was mainly level with only a few gentle inclines now and then. Probably the greatest difficulty we encountered was crossing the Southend Road at Charlie Brown’s roundabout. However the traffic was relatively light and we were able to cross when there was a gap in the flow.

We were now on the left bank of the river. After meandering around the Redbridge borough recycling unit we recrossed the river and made our way towards Woodford Bridge. Soon we were anticipating our stop at the Three Jolly Wheelers pub. After a very enjoyable pub lunch most of us took the soft option of taking the W14 bus back to Wanstead. Dolores decided to walk the return and Jill and Julie walked on to Woodford.

We don’t often get the opportunity to walk in snow and it was great to do so. Thanks to Ian for leading.

Ken Kennedy  7th February 2012