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Camping overnight at Debden Camp Site on 7 July 2007 - an annual EFOG event. For those that would be staying the night, the first objective was to set up the tents. This done, a stroll through Epping Forest for lunch at the Forest Gate pub, near Epping. Then back to the camp-site for chats, games and an evening barbecue before the campers camped and the non-campers didn't

EFOG Debden Camping Weekend Camping, walking and games at Debden Campsite - 7 July 2007

EFOG Debden Camping Weekend Tending the table decorations at the barbecue
EFOG Debden Camping Weekend Lunch at the Forest Gate, Epping
EFOG Debden Camping Weekend More games - or a desperate escape from camping?
EFOG Debden Camping Weekend The evening's entertainment


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