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As well as activities organised by and for members of the Epping Forest Outdoor Group, our members take part in other activities - joining with other Groups for example - In this case EFOG members are helping in the enormous restoration project taking place at Copped Hall, near Epping. The first set of photos are on 30th March 2003, and the second on 4th March 2007

(Photographs by Peter Gamble)

   Moving slabs at Copped Hall, Essex

efog - Copped Hall, Essex  Maz and June outside
efog - Copped Hall, Essex Inside the Hall - Mick, June and Ann from EFOG helping
efog - Copped Hall, Essex   Parvis and Duncan
efog - Copped Hall, Essex      In the tiled Victorian kitchen preparation area
efog - Copped Hall, Essex   Steve, with Maz and Eddie (who is the one not helping)
Copped Hall 4th March 2007. A work-party from EFOG was organised to tidy the grounds after the winter
efog - Copped Hall, Essex   Steve, with Val in the background
efog - Copped Hall, Essex   Ken, Maz, Ann, Steve and Val


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